Frederik is a senior marketing executive passionate about technology and innovation with a focus on marketing strategy, user acquisition and growth.

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wavevertising – ambient media

i have always been a fan of smart advertising, creative more unconventional ways of advertising or marketing rolled out in our direct living environment. in this regard i blogged about , and other before.

now i came across a new way of sharing your message with the world based on a new technology developed by japanese scientists – wavevertising.

“scientists at japan’s akishima laboratories have developed a technology that allows programmers to literally ‘write’ messages on the surface of water. its an experimental device, which appeared stateside at the museum of modern art last year, is called amoeba (advanced multiple organized experimental basin) […] not only is amoeba capable of producing the entire roman alphabet on the water’s surface, it can conjure a number of symbols, too. akishima’s directors hope to sell the device for use in amusement parks and hotels to enhance existing decorative fountain technology.”


when are we going to project messages on the ?

(via and )