Frederik is a senior marketing executive passionate about technology and innovation with a focus on marketing strategy, user acquisition and growth.

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sony foam city – miami drenched in foam

sony does it again, they are shooting another spectacular advert by drenching downtown miami in millions of litres of foam – sony foam city. sony is well known for it’s massive productions starting with a true masterpiece and my all time favorite the filmed in san francisco by director nicolai fuglsig and the song .

this spot was followed by the and the .

now director simon ratigan of has worked with a crew of 150 to demonstrate the capacity of sony hd handycam and cybershot cameras to capture the beauty of bubbles.

click here for the high-res version

200 locals were provided with the cameras and asked to record their foamy frolicking. their footage, along with professional shots, is being combined for a campaign that will be introduced to the public in stages, finally reaching televisions in the uk and europe on 1st may, 2008.

click here for the high-res version

find some more pictures and info at and .

(via yasir from and )