wtm – world trend monitor
webguerillas recently launched a new service called “world trend monitor“. the wtm is supposed to filter relevant trends for you – a radar for current trends all over the world if you don’t find the time to dig through numerous resources by yourself.
“the world trend monitor (wtm) is a information service that bundles the worldwide most important trends in the categories marketing, fashion and shopping in a monthly trend monitor. trend scouts are spread all over the world to feed the wtm by screening thousands of exclusive sources – offline and online. the trends are found where they first appear at the very front of the news chain. a subscription model of the world trend monitor varies in the categories fashion, marketing and shopping and is available as print versions, pdf documents or as online trend-archive.”
an english version of the site isn’t available yet, but will be available soon. i tried the free marketing trend monitor (see pdf download in the abo section) and i like this news source for new trends, visit www.worldtrendmonitor.com for more information.
more trend sources: trnd, springwise, trendhunter and trendwatching.
(via brainwash)
[tags: worldtrendmonitor, world trend monitor, wtm, trend, trends, webguerillas]