structured blogging
the structured blogging initiative has been founded and is supported by the key player blog search engines and blog service providers.
structured blogging will give bloggers the chance to ad some meta data to blog posts in order to make them more “structured” and machine readable.
“structured blogging is a way to get more information on the web in a way that’s more usable. you can enter information in a form and it will get published on your blog like a normal entry, but it will also be published in a machine-readable format so that other services can read and understand it.
structured blogging makes it easy to create, edit, and maintain different kinds of posts and is very similar to an edit form on a blog. the difference is that the structure will let users add specific styles to each type, and add links and pictures for reviews.
these styles and tags ensure that movie and book reviews don’t look like calendar or journal entries, and that each content type can be quickly recognized and processed by automated search services and other applications. Woven into the html of a blog post, this information travels with it through syndication feeds, readers, and aggregators. ultimately, it can even be converted out to other formats our structured blogging tools support such as rdf in xml.”
we are all aware of the massive information overload in our information age and i like this effort to get more structured and easier to find data on the web.
there exists already a beta movable type and wordpress plugin for structured blogging (look at the right sidebar at their website). unfortunately serendipity is not yet supported.
learn more about structured blogging …
(via golem)
[tags: structured blogging, blogging, meta data]