Frederik is a senior marketing executive passionate about technology and innovation with a focus on marketing strategy, user acquisition and growth.

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risking our rebel reputation

the recently wrote that bloggers might risk their rebel reputation while accepting ads.

“once a vehicle for anti-establishment, non-commercial writers, many internet blogs have been accepting money from u.s. corporations.

no one tracks how much advertising money is flowing to web logs, but charlene li, an analyst at , a company that studies the impact of technology on business and consumers, estimates that some $50 million to $100 million has gone this year into blog advertising and marketing.

in fact, some corporations have invited bloggers to blog on their corporate sites.

‘the attitude has completely changed from where it was two years ago and even a year ago’ said , the publisher of , a site about making money from web logs. ‘people have started to realize that, hey, this is fun; we’ve proven it’s fun; i enjoy doing it; now let’s apply a few advertising techniques and make some money.’

however, most of the 21.5 million web logs worldwide do not make money, and many that do only make enough to maintain the site.”

we all know that many blogs are accepting ads, but this last sentence gives us the essence, there are always black sheeps who blog only for making money, practising fake or while others have a little advertising area or some at their blog and i agree with that as far as it is recognizable as advertising.

“but i also don’t apologize for accepting advertising, and i make it clear that just like everyone else i have to earn a living and pay the expenses of keeping the site going.”

says anita campbell from .

as corporate ad money flows their way, bloggers risk their rebel reputation

(via )

additional: while searching for the above mentioned forrester reasearch i found two other interesting ones “how to build a word-of-mouth marketing campaign” and “selling to word-of-mouth-driven consumers“.

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