Frederik is a senior marketing executive passionate about technology and innovation with a focus on marketing strategy, user acquisition and growth.

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next step in online marketing – google analytics

google doesn’t stop to launch new services, the latest coup is .

“google analytics tells you everything you want to know about how visitors found your site and how they interact with it. you will be able to focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver roi and improve your site to convert more visitors.

i just signed on with my gmail-account and got in running in 3 minutes. google says i’ll have to wait around twelve hours before checking my first reports. for this reason i can’t say something about what it’s worth it in detail until now.

i’m an online marketer and i’m anxious to see what benefits google is providing in web analytics.

pointed it out to:

“google takes out an entire industry in one day […] there’s no doubt in my mind that if i were web trends or any other web stats company that charges money for their service, i would have officially crapped my pants, and would be looking for a new job.”

from wrote “quel coincidence!”, cause they are touring these days with their roadshow “” through germany (i will be there on friday).

i would say, what a , this fits to my new blog subtitle …

google analytics

(via and )

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