Frederik is a senior marketing executive passionate about technology and innovation with a focus on marketing strategy, user acquisition and growth.

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i have no idea

what if you are an advertiser and you have absolutely no idea how to promote your customer in a tv ad?

just ask all the young ambitious advertisers around there to pass you a real cool idea for your tv ad. make a microsite, let them send you their ideas and just pick the best (like the customer normally does) … oh, forgot something, give the winners some ipod-stuff for their ideas.

ok, maybe this was a little bit sarcastic and this could also be a chance for young advertisers to attain some attention in the advertising business, but read by yourself what “” launched for their customer :

“are you in need of a challenge? here’s one. take a relatively new brand and make it famous. very famous. the cameras are ready to roll and convert your idea into television reality. tigergaming.com needs a new advertising campaign, and somewhere within you lies an incredible t.v. idea!

whether you are an advertising creative, account executive, planner, photographer, producer, director, marketer, or someone who has always wanted to make your own television commercials, this advertising challenge will test and push your creativity to the limit.”

more detailed information and entrykit-download here.

also reminds to a guy i met last week from .

(via )

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