chances and ventures of social networks
social networking platforms take their place in the development of the enhancing web nowadays.
“a social network is a social structure made of nodes which are generally individuals or organizations.”
everybody has a network of relatives, friends, colleagues and more loose contacts – small or big, densely knit or ramified. social networking platforms provide the opportunity mapping a part of your social network virtually.
well known examples are openbc, linkedin, orkut , facebook or myspace.
all these social networking platforms have their pro’s and con’s and map personal connections in different ways. they provide the chance to stay in contact with existing connections and afford an opportunity to establish valuable new ones. they can show how people in your extended network are related to each other but with a lack of information – the quality of the connection.
tristan louis recently posted some continuative thoughts how social networks can fail or succeed.
an very interesting topic and i’m still anxious to see what is going to follow …
(via a friend’s email and guy kawasaki)
update: some interesting papers on social networking by danah boyd.
[tags: social networks, social network analysis, sna, social software]