you wouldn’t buy our shitty cars
"so we'll be taking your money anyway" "you probably thought it was smart to buy a foreign import of superior quality, with better mileage and resale value. maybe you even thought that years of market share loss might prod us into rethinking our process and redesigning our products with better quality in mind. but you forgot one thing: we spend a
twidroid – twitter for android mobiles / t-mobile g1
good friend and jajah iphone interface designer thomas marban just launched the first twitter client for the t-mobile g1 google android mobile phone called twidroid. it's the first twitter app for android mobiles. some of the highlights of twidroid's feature set are: fully featured twitter client (postings, replies and direct messages), user detail information, follow/unfollow a user, auto-completion of your contact
ziphone – unlock and activate your apple iphone
i actually bought the apple iphone the day it came out and signed up regularly for the two year contract during the activation through itunes. but now i had a couple of friends from europe visiting who bought an iphone over here (in the us) and of course wanted to use it with their sim cards from germany, austria or
discounted international calling
a friend gave me the hint to try out the ubi-call-service by ubisun for cheap international calling - so i did