revver pays off
some time ago i wrote about the video sharing portal revver. revver tracks and monetizes videos as they spread across the web. it connects video makers and sharers with sponsors in a free and open marketplace. at the end of each video there is an ad displayed, revver splits the ad revenue with you 50/50.
“if you like to create or share video, revver was made for you. every time someone watches a video that you’ve uploaded or shared, you could earn money.”
in the meanwhile they changed the logo, made great improvements on the user interface, look&feel and added more functionalities.
but the best thing is, the concept pays off for the user/artist/uploader, directly transferred to your paypal account.
so, start uploading your videos on revver and make some money out of it.
[tags: revver, revverizing, video, sharing, video sharing, portal, viral, youtube]