Frederik is a senior marketing executive passionate about technology and innovation with a focus on marketing strategy, user acquisition and growth.

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free for all

cause it is getting a little quiet these days in the viral marketing scene or rather most of the actual campaigns are not really worth writing about in my point of view, except the pretty cool “” microsite, this post just points to the crazy mtv show “” by brett merhar (the team behind also produced ). i discovered this show at the late wednesday evening again. and decide by yourself, if you like this kind of humour. i like the nutty ferret angus the most …

to make this post complete i’ll pass this funny city lodge spot on to you, which a friend sent me a couple of days ago. but maybe we don’t want to know how the british feel at home 🙂

p.s.: i had no chance to find any better pictures. please send me one, if you find a better angus or pic. thanks!

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