consumer empowerment
paul marsden and martin oetting launched a new blog called "consumer empowerment as a business strategy - give them power. see sales grow". paul and martin are observing the buzz marketing scene since years and this blog will illustrate and comment on the new marketing trend of letting consumers call the shots on marketing and innovation decisions. it is well known that
"but now bring me a man who plays music. and when the man played music, the groove came upon them." - 2 jobs 3:15 "inspired by the world's obsession and devotion to the ipod, ibelieve is a replacement lanyard for your shuffle. constructed using the same materials and precision ball bearing closure as the standard shuffle cap, you can relax knowing
the art of retouching
or the "photoshop diet" like the werbeblogger just wrote. glenn feron presents some of his amazing retouche work at his website. at his portfolio you can see the before and after versions of some great photoshop-jobs. just hold your mouse over the images and they will display you with what was originally there. kaydesign also presents a website like this
google base – another piece in the grid
since a couple of days google base spreads through the blogosphere, but until now i have seen nothing more than a server error at like the new google blog writes: "google base is a service to insert and share all types of content: events, housing, jobs, products, second-hand vehicles,
identity 2.0
just found this presentation of "identity 2.0" by sxip ceo dick hardt at basic thinking. at the o'reilly open source convention (oscon 2005) dick hardt presented his new identity 2.0 for the web 2.0: "as the online world moves towards web 2.0, the concept of digital identity is evolving, and existing identity systems are falling behind. new systems are emerging that place
focus tv about weblogs
on sunday evening focus tv (at pro7 in german television) tried to describe the media revolution of weblogs in a feature story, but they didn't get it at all - an just disappointing article and bad research! they just showed how two stories, one about a naked girl in the watch-blog written by christoph schultheis and a post about two
what is it?
ebay launched a viral microsite about "it" - "the newest and hippest thing". the site describes the developing and making of "it" by some witty clips. two days ago adland noticed some strange and interesting ad banners running on yahoo which pointed to the website there were already some rumours about what "it" can be: "is it maybe an effort for
what if …
you drop some viral spots that have nothing to do with your products, but are funny enough to gain as much attention to lead you to their website? the new ikea campaign. "ikea asked 28 designers to explore and experiment. to test new materials, techniques and new ways of working. but most of all, to have fun." at their flashy viral microsite
hunt for the viral stars of tomorrow
channel4 just launched a microsite called "germ", where agencies can submit their own viral stuff from the 17th october on. the microsite also provides some background information about viral marketing including some "top ten tips" from leading viral marketers like this: "learn to let go. once the viral content is out there, you have little control over how it's presented, which can
blinkenlights back to berlin
the ccc blinkenlights are back in town - a powered light installation at the "haus des lehrers" at alexanderplatz (berlin, germany). during the night a constantly growing number of animations could be seen at the lighted windows of this building. there was an interactive component as well: you were able to play the old arcade classic pong on the building