ipod flea ad spoof
this is absolutely ingenious! please watch this ipod flea commercial, the world's smallest mp3-player - you'll be itching to see it ;-) addition (July 22. 2005): apparently the layers magazine ipod flea spoof caused so much buzz and traffic, that they included a reference to their magazine in the beginning of their clip in the past days, which their wasn't before,
flickr is having a massage
ok, i see i'm new in this flickr-thing, cause i haven't seen such a "server down"-message before "Flickr is having a massage" but the blog says it will take around 60 minutes to do their "massage". hm, how often are they doing this??? [tagged as: flickr]
acapela hq tts interactive demo
this interactive high quality text to speech demo of the acapela group is quite funny, especially if you are working in an open-plan office and turn your speakers on high volume ;-) type in a sentence of your choice, choose between 12 languages and different speaker voices and push the "say it!" button. your sentence will be converted in a
new webphone jajah
just a few days ago i wrote about new upcoming social software and today i got the hint from a friend to try out jajah, a new webphone. i installed it and
chain reactions & marketing by chance
viral marketing can also be described as a series of reactions - the point is to give the right impulses. thomas zorbach from vm-people berlin is describing it as the "pinball-theorem": the controllability in viral marketing is comparable to a pinball-game, you have limited controllability after a viral marketing campaign has been launched, but you have always the chance to
social software and plazes
more and more "social software" is coming up - social software allows people to interact in virtual reality, connecting or collaborating by the use of a computer network (see the wikipedia-entries in english or german). and this is all coming together - virtual social networks like openbc, orkut or linkedin, the blogosphere, instant messenger, wikis, voip, foaf and geo-information systems
the advantage in your car
blaupunkt-clip, just check it out :-) (thanks to max) [tags: blaupunkt, advantage in your car]
symbiotic advertising
when we went back home from a club in the early sunday-morning, we came across this billboard at the corner torstr./prenzlauer allee in berlin (germany). this sexy ad for the local blush dessous shop contains a second subline ad for a car repair service, if you have had a car damage
creating buzz in the blogosphere
while checking some blogs, i came across a series of short "slogans" like this: on the spreeblick-blog counting down to 9 pm, the 11th of june 2005. hm
“you are testing my patience”
burger king launched a new viral website called "sith sense", where darth vader reads your mind. not as funny as their "subservient chicken", but cool and viral enough to gain some word-of-mouth