t-dsl crash in parts of berlin
from 10 am until around 2 pm the broadband connections (t-dsl) of the deutsche telekom were completely off - no internet connection possible for big parts of berlin. thus many companies couldn't work for many hours and i don't know how many million euros this will cost the t-com, hopefully they have a good insurance. i just had the chance to
next step in online marketing – google analytics
google doesn't stop to launch new services, the latest coup is google analytics. "google analytics tells you everything you want to know about how visitors found your site and how they interact with it. you will be able to focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver roi and improve your site to convert more visitors. i just signed on
viral microsite for delacre d
at youdontneedlove.com delacre launched a viral microsite presenting some weird online games and three viral video clips, two weddings and a poke at cinderella, followed by the claim: "so much chocolate, you don't need love" the spots were produced by the new creative agency "marcel". the heads behind this company are the famous fred and farid (see their amazing portfolio). the curious
quintippio – the new 15 blade mega shave
yip, this is exactly what i thought when all the razor manufacturers started promising a cleaner safer shave by adding more and more blades in the past few years. philips makes fun of those promises by launching a viral microsite for the made up "quintippio - now with 15 extra large blades". "everyone is talking more blades - we're talking less irritation!" nice
ambient media advertising for yamaha
yamaha places ambient media advertising at shopping carts in sweden. reminded me to the nice german kellogg's diet cereals campaign. this is how ambient media works the smart way! (via adverblog, reklamfeber and page 10/2003) [tags: yamaha, kellog's, guerilla marketing, viral marketing]
adobe initiative to fight software piracy
adobe recently launched a viral microsite called www.copydetected.com. an adobe effort to fight software piracy worldwide by viral marketing. thirty-five percent of the software installed on personal computers worldwide was pirated in 2004, a one percentage point decrease from 36 percent in 2003. yet, losses due to piracy increased from $29 billion to $33 billion. source: global software piracy study by business
the advantage in your car – reloaded
in june 2005 i wrote about the funny "advantage in your car" clip by blaupunkt and right now i saw the "same" clip in an ad-break at the mtv europe music awards 2005. the funny thing is, that it isn't the same clip - they changed the music from an unpublished seeed track to a special bloodhound gang song (you hear
pete philly & perquisite
today i want to introduce to you: pete philly & perquisite! on tuesday evening we visited their absolutely amazing concert at the caf
markets are conversations
german companies mostly don't care or just do not notice the upcoming revolution of the media - social networking, web 2.0, blogs, wikis and many facts more obviously point to this big shift - a new era of media and the internet. martin oetting (connectedmarketing) and klaus eck (pr blogger) just wrote an interesting article titled "markets are conversations" about this
stylish webmailer roundcube
there are a couple of stylish new webmailers poppin up like roundcube: "roundcube webmail is a browser-based multilingual imap client with an application-like user interface. it provides full functionality you expect from an e-mail client, including mime support, address book, folder manipulation and message filters. roundcube webmail is written in php and requires the mysql database. the user interface is fully