3d streetvertising
more than one month ago i wanted to post a blog-entry about the english artist julian beever, cause of an email of my cousin and i liked his drawings: but meanwhile i forgot to post this - today i read the post in the sloganmaker.net blog by robert neuendorf and now here is my post :-) Julian Beever is an english artist
google adwords rip-off
i just checked the google adword campaigns of a couple of customers and myself and got this warm welcome message: We have simplified our keyword status system. Your keywords will now either be active (triggering ads) or inactive (not triggering ads). Quality remains the most important factor in your keywords' performance. Each keyword will now have a minimum bid that is based
not funny
last friday i strolled through a comic shop in berlin and stopped by a book called "not funny 3". i already liked the painting on the front cover and run over the pages of the funny book. i just like joscha sauer's kind of humour and wanted to share these nice cartoon's with you. copyright
new petsolution spot
i already wrote about the petsolution-campaign and i just got the second petsolution-carpet-spot and found this oversized poster in the meow!-blog: check it out as well as the older petsolution-holiday-spot :-) for further explanations click the official website www.petsolution.de.
amazon’s a9 – google with make-up
i read about amazon's new search engine a9 some time ago, but i never used it yet. yesterday i got an email from a friend recommending this spiegel online article [pdf]. so i tried it out
your pet retards you to fly for a nice holiday trip? or your new dog was a mispurchase? here is your solution: "petsolution" a newly founded company for veterinarian pet disposal. i found this in the actual spiegel as a full site ad and was a little bit shocked - take a look by yourself what's behind
hello moto
two more funny finds while surfing my blogroll i wanted to share with you - "when your wife calls"
word of mouth marketing conference
at the 6th and 7th october 2005 there will be the first international word of mouth marketing conference in hamburg, germany: "The First International Conference on Future Developments in the Art and Science of Word-of-Mouth Marketing." presenter is the brand science institute. (via companice)
support for viral marketing survey
tom laband from the university of mannheim (germany) is writing his diploma thesis about viral marketing and sent me an email last week concerning his empirical online data ascertainment. an online survey, that online costs you five minutes of your time, so please support him in his work and take part of it (in german language). tom already said, that
common logo for viral marketing
are rounded rectangles the graphical embodiment of viral marketing now? it's not easy to design a good logo that embodies viral marketing because the image of a biological virus has a negative connotation and would be too stereotyped. also the term "viral" in "viral marketing" is used as a metaphor for describing the fast and effective diffusion of messages in social