google. who’s looking at you?
i referred to google's influence on the information age landscape earlier and stumbled over john arlidge's article in the times online this weekend in my feedreader - good writing and absolutely worth reading. "in the blissed-out california sunshine, the glistening glass-and- steel curves of the googleplex seem to sweep you up off the pavement with the promise of a glimpse into
toom baumarkt commercial – selbstbauidee
german toom hardware store just released a new commercial starring a suburb do-it-yourselfer promoting toom's raffle about do-it-yourself ideas you can send in. the homeowner got annoyed by speeding cars in front of his driveway and built his very own speed bumps
sony bravia play-doh ad – rabbits in stop-motion
following my most favorite ad - the sony bravia bouncy balls - and their paint ad, here comes the third sony bravia spot - rabbit stop-motion in play-doh. "the third commercial for bravia is the most ambitious piece of stop-motion animation ever undertaken. devised by fallon and shot over three weeks in new york, the commercial employed over 40 animators from
free burma!
"international bloggers are preparing an action to support the peaceful revolution in burma. we want to set a sign for freedom and show our sympathy for these people who are fighting their cruel regime without weapons." find some more information on (via philipp götzinger, initiated by robert basic and others) [tags: free burma, burma, petition, peaceful revolution, robert basic]