websites as graphs
at first i thought it is some kind of social network analysis (sna) tool which represents your blogging network. but the "websites as graphs" project is rather an applet which represents website/link structures as graphs, which in fact includes some sna information because of the websites you link to. unfortunately the nodes are missing more detailed information. "get a wonderful visual
spoofing sony and honda
one of my absolute favorite spots got "spoofed" by tango fruit drinks. a spoof is some kind of a "parody by imitation" and it's a common way in advertising to imitate other spots like jay jays big ad spoof or the ipod flea spoof - which in fact is a fake ad. nevertheless there are good ones and i like tango's version
google trends
dear readers, excuse me for my way to long absence! but my current workload doesn't allow me to keep this blog up-to-date like i would like to. i even had to quit checkin' my blogroll daily getting the hot news and picks in the online marketing and advertising scene. nevertheless i will try to get it going again. so here is